Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
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Педагогические науки
About phenomenological constructs pedagogical project D.B. Kabalevsky
Aleksandrov E.P. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


The program of music lessons for the general education school, developed by D.B. Kabalevsky, played a revolutionary role in musical pedagogy. Today, after several decades, it can be stated that some of its elements have become obsolete due to profound changes in society. However, if we ignore the particular details and look at the program through the prism of the modern achievements of pedagogical science, then in it one can clearly see a value rod that not only has not lost its relevance, but even has grown it. The author of the article denotes this core as phenomenological constructs.

Keywords: phenomenology, sense, dialogue, pedagogical technology.

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