Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
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The role of native country’s ensemble school representatives in the formation of pedagogical traditions of the chamber ensemble and concertmaster training department at S. Prokofiev Donetsk state academy of music
Bidzhakova N.L. 1

1. SEO HPT S. Prokofiev Donetsk State Academy of Music, State Educational Organization for Higher Professional Training «S. Prokofiev Donetsk State Academy of Music»


S. Prokofiev Donetsk State Academy of Music, founded in 1968 as Donetsk State musical and pedagogical Institute, approaches the 50-th anniversary of its history. The chamber ensemble and concertmaster training department was formed only in December 1970 because since 1968 up to 1970the ensemble disciplines were distributed among string instruments and special piano departments. The first teaching staff of the chamber ensemble and concertmaster training department was formed from the invited specialists of the Soviet Union, who had graduated from Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Odessa, Lvov conservatoires, Kharkov art institute. The article is devoted to the constellation of professional musicians who had played a great role in the department formation, who had introduced pedagogical traditions connected with the most famous names of native country’s ensemble school which connected the young establishment of higher learning with the experience of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev conservatoires. The author traces continuity in work of the teacher – pupil type. The department founders turned out to have been not only the bearers of the lofty performance culture, promoting the education of the Donbass young generations of musicians, but in many ways they predetermined the vector of the development of the department which brought together the teaching, educational, concert-practical and scientific activity.

Keywords: Donetsk state musical and pedagogical Institute, Performance schools, chamber ensemble and concertmaster training, V.N. Bakeyeva, A.N. Kotlyarevsky, S.I. Vais, T.F. Logvis, V.K. Geld, Yu.V. Nikolayev, S.V. Savary.

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