Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

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Aspects of study of composer´s style in the course "musical form" on the example of Rachmaninov´s piano creativity
Beznisko O.N. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


In the article the author discusses in detail the style features of the piano music of the famous Russian composer S.V. Rachmaninov in the aspect of studying one of the subjects of the discipline "Musical form" – "Music style". The author of the article concept of "style in music" is considered from the point of view of a logical approach, without affecting the stages of the historical development of musical styles. The topic under study is the basis for the formation of the professional competencies of a music teacher, graduate of a conservatory, be it a music teacher, musicologist or singer-songwriter, instrumentalist.

Keywords: musical style, musical education, competences, bachelor, Rachmaninov, musical form, melody, harmony, rhythm, invoice.

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