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Филологические науки
Thematic and synonymic lexis in the English tweets of the ecological thematic area
Kaverina D.V. 1

1. Cherepovets state university


This work is devoted to the description of thematic and synonymic lexis of ecological thematic area in the materials of the social net www.twitter.com. Ecological aspect, on the one hand, is presented by the thematic area of the tweets; on the other hand, it is supported by such principles of ecolinguistic analysis as the principle of hierarchical organisation, the principle of interaction between a system and environment and the principle of toxicant. It is found out that the most productive thematic groups are ‘Habitat’ and ‘Natural beauty’. 81% of synonymic sets and 88% of synonymic pairs are defined to include only literary lexemes and correspond to structural Model 1; 19% of sets and 12% of pairs include literary lexemes and literary colloquialisms thus presenting Model 2.

Keywords: tweet, thematic group, contextual synonym, contextual synonymic set, contextual synonymic pair, a principle of ecolinguistic analysis.

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