Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Педагогические науки
He was in music both a father, and the mentor...
Anikienko S.V. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


Victor Frolkin is one of Shcheglov´s pupils. Further the author happened to work together with Vladimir Shcheglov at the Krasnodar institute of culture. In article memories of the Teacher in the years of training of the author are given in the Krasnodar musical school. Unusual approach of the teacher to teaching history of music, an encyclopedic of his knowledge, respect for students is noted. The facts of educational work of the musicologist are given.

Keywords: Vladimir Shcheglov, teaching technique, music history, Krasnodar musical school, musical enlightenment.

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