Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Педагогические науки
Elaboration technologies of information and reporting of promotional brochure of department of tourism of the Krasnodar state institute of culture on the example of practice-based learning through the implementation of tour projects
Geraschenko I.N. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


The article deals with the development technologies of information and reporting advertising brochure of department of tourism of Krasnodar state institute of culture on the example of practice-oriented training through the implementation of excursion projects with the support of the Russian Military historical society. Stages of design are analyzed, mechanisms of creation of the brochure are described. The activation of students´ interest in the discipline «excursion» in the development and participation in excursion routes is proved. The creation of information-reporting brochures «Department of tourism of the Krasnodar state Institute of culture – 2018» provides an opportunity for students of specialty «Tourism» to apply their theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the idea course in «Advertising technology in the tourism industry» The brochure is a striking example of the promotion of educational services and tourism product among the target audience.

Keywords: tourism, excursion activity, students, practice-oriented training, interactive lessons, tourists, patriotic education, brochure, advertising, efficiency.

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