Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

J.S. Bach organ choral prelude f-moll bwv 639: comparative analysis of interpretations
Mishchenko O.V., Savelyev V.S. 1

1. Volgograd conservatory n.a. P.A. Serebryakov, Volgograd state institute of arts and culture


The article is devoted to four variants of interpretation of a prelude submitting various versions of its timbre, acoustic and interpretative decisions. The author mentions history of a genre of an organ choral prelude, and its place in J.S. Bach´s works. Conclusions concern a wide range of understanding and interpretation of a genre, from authenticity to «romanticism» and also boundless opportunities of perception.

Keywords: Johann Sebastian Bach, Albert Schweitzer, Vladimir Horowitz, Timofey Dokshitser, Olgerts Tsintinsh, Terem-quartet, choral prelude, interpretation, trumpet, organ.

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