Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

On the question of social functions contemporary artistic life of Russian society
Lyah V.I. 1, Sigida D.A. 2

1. Krasnodar state university of culture and art
2. Krasnodar branch REU they Plekhanov.


The study of the artistic life of modern Russian society faced with the need to create a system of initial theoretical postulates, contributing to the formation of its socio-cultural space. Social functions of the artistic life of modern Russian society helps to preserve cultural space, its national identity, ensuring the formation of the growing diversity of the cultures of the field of understanding, tolerance and harmony, cooperation and dialogue. They protect the cultural environment, protect morality, national system of values, thereby acquiring the meaning of life for the development of culture

Keywords: art., culture, the artistic life of Russian society, social functions

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