Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Russian governor-general F.V. Rostopchin: iconic personality of intercultural communication (by the book of I. Sсhnitzler)
Krasilnikova O.S. 1

1. Kemerovo state university


Intercultural communication between Russia and France of the XIX century was intense. Mutual interest of cultures is caused by political, economic events of XIX century, especially Patriotic war of 1812. French society in the first half of the XIX century attended to military leaders, Russian politicians and executives, among them Fedor Rostopchin, a Moscow Governor-general 1812–1814. The article presents the image of F.V. Rostopchin, recreated French historian of the XIX century I. Schnitzler, which is of particular interest from the point of view of intercultural communication.

Keywords: Russia, France, intercultural communication, French, Russian, Governor-general, historian, Patriotic War of 1812 year.

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