Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Философские науки
The problem «Russia and Europe» in the worldview of F.I. Tyutchev
Kandrokova F.S. 1

1. Kabardino-Balkar state university n.a. H.M. Berbekov


The article discusses the views of the Russian poet and thinker F.I. Tyutchev on the problem of relations between Russia and Europe. The influence of religious views on his historical and philosophical position is examines. Emphasizes the diversity of views of Tyutchev: he avoids direct opposition of Russia and western countries and he develops the concept «Russia is another Europe». Special attention is paid to conservatism and enlightened patriotism as an ideology that underpins Karamzin’s views on the problem under study.

Keywords: Russia and the West, relationship, self-identity, worldview.

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