Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Педагогические науки
Textbook I. Aldoshina and R. Pritts «musical acoustics» in practice sound director: analytical aspect
Predolyak А.А. 1

1. Krasnodar state institute of culture


The article reveals the importance of the discipline musical acoustics in the practice of training a musical sound engineer. The sections of the textbook «Musical acoustics» by I. Aldoshina and R. Prits are compared and analyzed. The structure, the degree of complexity of the presented material, the main sections, the specificity of the synthesis of the studied disciplines in the subject of musical acoustics are considered.

Keywords: musical acoustics, musical sound engineer, physics of sound, psychoacoustics, sound recording, concert halls, recording studio, acoustics of a musical instrument, electronic musical instruments.

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