Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Исторические науки
Ostrogard – the sea gate of ancient Russia
Fedchenko O.D. 1



The article deals with the problem of localization of the Ostrogard of Russia. The burial is found in the treatise of Adam of Bremen, «The Acts of the Archbishops of the Hamburg Church». The descriptions of the medieval chronicler make it possible to determine the places assigned to the Ostrogard of Russia. According to the calculations of the movement by the sea court, it can be recognized that Adam of Bremen used the toponym to the island of Saarema and Ladoga. In fact, both points can act as the sea gates of Russia. The information of Adam of Bremen correlates with the description of the sea routes Russia – Europe, set forth by the Russian chronicler in the «Tale of Bygone Years».

Keywords: Rus, Denmark, Ostrogard, Saarema, Kiev, Ladoga.

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