Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

The objective world of the applied arts and the image of the master in national cinema: a diachronic analysis
Butevko E.S. 1

1. Kanevsky district of churches


The article examines the objective world of applied arts and discovered the characteristic features of the image of the wizard in the domestic film industry. Conducted a diachronic analysis of the significance of decorative art in retrospect of the development of the Soviet and modern cinema. However, the empirical approach to the problem does not give an objective assessment of the results of the study. However, when further scientific development of this material they can be used in the research activities of students and teachers. What is the novelty and relevance of this material.

Keywords: decorative art, Russian cinema, image, master, identification code.

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