Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Исторические науки
General census of 1897 as a historical source on the formation of the North Caucasus nobility
Chikaeva K.S 1

1. Kuban State Agrarian University


Educational and literacy level of the North Caucasus nobility is studied in the article on the basis of statistical sources. The author counted the results of the first general census of the Russian Empire at Kuban region, Stavropol province and Terek Region in 1897. Among the urban nobility high literacy rates are registered in the Terek region - 79.86%, and the Stavropol province - 79.85%. According to the census the vast majority of people with university education belonged to the nobility (75.9%).

Keywords: North Caucasus, nobility, Kuban region, Terek oblast, Stavropol province, census of population, education, literacy.

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