Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
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Филологические науки
Once again about the loans from N. M. Karamzin’s work in "The history of adygh people" by Sh. Nogmov
Koshokova S.Y. 1

1. Kuban state agricultural university


The history of the researchers addressing to the problem of loans from the work of N. M. Karamzin «The History of the Russian State» in the text «The History of the Adygh people» by Sh. Nogmov is considered in the article. The different points of view on this matter are compared. The article is added with the table that allows comparing N. M. Karamzin and Sh. Nogmov´s corresponding texts.

Keywords: N. M. Karamzin, Sh. Nogmov, historiography, source.

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