Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Исторические науки
The spatial continuum of the revolutionary consciousness (1917–1920)
Semenov A.A., Rusanov V. S. 1

1. The Armavir mekhaniko-technological institute (branch) of KUBGTU


In this article the author explores the concepts of space of the different layers of the population of the North Caucasus in the Civil war (1917 – 1920 yy.). He also considers the peculiarities of perception of the spatial characteristics of the participants of military-political events of that time, current military personnel of armies, statesmen and heads of various social and political movements.

Keywords: space, geographical coordinates, spatial-time continuum, armed conflict, confrontation, frontline everyday life, everyday life.

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