Вестник Краснодарского государственного института культуры
Электронный научный журнал

Социологические науки
Particularly socio-cultural activities of charitable organizations in the regional dimension
Tinina Z.P., Litvinova I.N. 1

1. The Volgograd state institute of arts and culture; Volgograd state university


Socio-cultural activities is an integral part of charity towards the modern paradigm, dealing with social work as a component of many subject areas of functioning of charities that contribute to the stability of society. The relevance of the stated theme is determined by its zlobodnevnost′û and lack of knowledge in historiography. This work is a contribution to the development of the themes of socio-cultural activities of charitable organizations in the area of social support for the population in the system of the regional social policy for example, the Volgograd region.

Keywords: fundraising, charity, volunteering, culture, social policy, socio-cultural activities.

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